Number moderating
Some members are moderated and need to be approved a certain number of times before posting unmoderated.
On discussion mailing lists most people are civil and it is only a few troublemakers who tend to ruin things. In general, a troublemaker identifies themselves from the outset, with their first few
postings, by their difficult attitude.
For this reason, Lyris List Manager supports the concept of "number moderating".
Number moderating assumes that the first few postings of new members should be checked by the moderator. After these few postings have been approved, the member has proven themselves as trustworthy
and their postings no longer require admin approval.
Number moderating is a feature that strikes a happy medium between the total freedom of an "open" mailing list and the sometimes excessive work needed to totally moderate a mailing list.
To use this feature, you set your mailing list to "number moderated" and pick the number of messages that new members should need approved. Generally, a setting between 1 and 3 works best.
Another option is to set your list for number moderating, and set your list so that new members require no approvals. This will create a mailing list that acts "open", except, if you spot a member
who is causing trouble you can change that member's settings so that they need several more approvals. This allows you to leave a list open, and then, once you identify a troublemaker, make that
person's next few messages need your approval.