Access to the list archives
By default, access to the mailing list archives is open to all, through the "visitors" feature. In other words, the default setting when creating a mailing list is to "allow visitors".
Allowing visitors means that people can read your mailing list archives without joining, but they will not be able to contribute to your mailing list. If you disable the Visitors feature, then only
members of your mailing list will be allowed to view your archives.
Because the Lyris List Manager archives are viewed through an interactive script, email address harvesting programs (i.e., spam-collectors) are not able to browse your archives, as they can the
plain-HTML archives of other list managers.
The "Multiview" option allows list archives to be read using a standard NNTP Newsreader. Lyris List Manager supports NNTP authentication and security thus, the security settings of the mailing list
when read by a Newsreader is identical to when it is read using the web interface. Security is not compromised. If a mailing list allows visitors, then anyone can read the archives. If visitors
are not allowed, the Multiview News interface asks for a username (email address) and password to obtain access to the mailing list archives. As far as postings go, messages composed and sent using
a News browser are treated exactly as email submissions and subject to the same security features.