Outgoing Mail Information
On the first Outgoing Mail web page, the following pieces of information are given for each message:
ID The unique message identifier that Lyris List Manager automatically assigns to each outgoing mail message. Lyris List Manager uses this to track each message.
Date The date on which Lyris List Manager created this message.
Type The kind of message this is. For example, 'list" means that this is a posting to a mailing list. There are many types of outgoing mail for all sorts of different
situations in which Lyris List Manager would need to send mail out.
To The name of the user receiving this message. For a mailing list, this is the To: field of the email message.
Status The current send status of this message. "Done" means that this message sending has completed. "Retry" means that some recipients of this message had mail problems and
they need to be retried. "New" means that Lyris List Manager has not yet tried to send this message.
List If this outgoing mail message referred to a particular mailing list, what mailing list was it. For example, if someone asked to subscribe or unsubscribe from your mailing
list, change their settings, or send a post to your list, it will be marked as such.
Subject The Subject: line of the email message.
If you click the View Selected Message button, all the information about the message are displayed. In addition to the above fields, the following fields are also given:
Header The complete message header of this email message.
Body The complete body of this email message. Note: This is the raw text of the message and is does not do any decoding of MIME, Uuencoded attachments, Printed-Quotable, or any
other kind of encoding. This is the message exactly as it is sent over the Internet.
For this reason, you may see unfamiliar characters and codes that your email program normally translates for you. Lyris List Manager does not decode these for you on this page because we want to be
able to see exactly what was sent, without trying to shield you from the reality of the email message.
Transaction Report This field shows you detailed information about the processing status of this message. Each step that occurred to this message is displayed along with a
date/time stamp. This Transaction Report is extremely helpful in tracking down the cause of problems. The outgoing mail transaction report is what is mailed to list admins when the list
Delivery Reports feature is used.
Here is a sample transaction report:
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 20:09:17 - List posting had outgoing mail ID: 20
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 20:09:21 - Preparing to send to 1 recipients.
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 20:09:26 - Successfully sent to 1 out of 1 recipients (100%) in 5 seconds
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 20:09:26 - Done
Date Created The date on which Lyris List Manager created this message.
From The SMTP MAIL FROM: <> value for this message. This is the address to which other mail systems send their error notifications to. Normally, this is "XXX-admin" so that
Lyris List Manager can receive and process the error mail. Users receiving this email message will not be aware of this setting.
The state the message is in. The possible states are listed below:
new: The message has not yet been sent pending: The message is currently sending retry: The message has already tried
to send to all recipients and some were undeliverable so, the message will be tried again done: the message is done sending and will not be attempted again.
If the message is in retry, you have the option of immediately setting the message to done by using the "Set message to done" button. This button is only available if the message
is in retry.
Retry Time
This indicates the message is in retry mode and the time the message is scheduled for retry. This is only visible if the message is currently in the retry state. You optionally
can specify that a message be retried immediately by clicking the "Retry Now" button.
Finished Date The date and time when Lyris List Manager stopped delivering this message.
Date Sent The date Lyris List Manager last attempted to send this message.
Total Recipients The total number of email addresses who are to receive this message
Successfully Sent To: If this message is a personal message, and not a list posting, then the email address(es) of the recipients who received this message are displayed here.
Members Successfully Sent The email addresses of the members who successfully received this message.
If there are more than 250 members to display in this box, Lyris List Manager will instead display the message "(too many members to display)", because this would make the HTML page too large for
your web browser.
Other Fields A number of other fields may also be displayed, depending on the status of this message. For example, there may be fields showing you the email addresses of the
members who had serious problems receiving this message (bad DNS entries cause this), others who had transient problems (their mail server was too busy), and still others who are unreachable ("user
unknown" causes this). The percentage and number of recipients for each of these values will be displayed on the page, if there are values to be shown for this message.