Overview of Server Administrator
The Server Administrator has control over all the sites and all the mailing lists on that machine. Therefore, the commands in the "server administrator" section affect all sites and
all lists on one server. To affect things that are specific to a single site or a single mailing list, you would use the commands in the "site administrator" or "list administrator" sections. As a
server administrator, you automatically have security clearance in those sections.
* The server administrator main menu lists all the things you can do. For example, you can create a site.
* You can create a new site on your server. If only one organization will be using your server, you will create only one site. The Site information defines various pieces of information about your
organization, such as its graphic logo, its home page, the language you speak, and other things. See Create Site.
* The server config menu affects how your server operates. You also specify some global security options here. See Server Config.
* The documents choice lets you create text documents for use inside Lyris List Manager. For instance, you can define the contact information for your technical support department, and reference it
every time it's appropriate (for each mailing list, for instance). You can also have multiple language versions of the same document - Lyris List Manager will display the right one. See
Server Documents.
* Action phrases tell Lyris List Manager to look for certain words and responds by mailing the document you specify. For instance, you may want to prohibit swearing. Also, you can set up a "document
robot" which responds to certain phrases (such as "sales info" or "price list") by sending back the appropriate document. See Server Action Phrases.
* You can look at incoming or outgoing mail. See Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail.
* You can create auto-responders with Lyris List Manager. An autoresponder is an email address that always responds by sending a document. For instance, set up a "prices@yourcompany.com"
autoresponder that sends out a price list to anyone who emails to it. See Server Action Phrases.
* You can create people on your server who hold a special role. This allows other people to be administrators, and also holds their contact information. See Server People
* You can view the log that displays various operating information. See Server Admin Log.