New in 3.0 beta 2 (v2.543)
Nochange option: Added a "nochange" option to the "reply-to" and "to" mailing list settings. This allows you to choose to have Lyris List Manager not change these headers in list
postings. By default, the "Reply-to:" and "To:" headers are set by Lyris List Manager to be the mailing list. See Reply To and To: Header.
Fix for blank From: If the "From:" field is empty, as it is on some contributed messages, Lyris List Manager will now create a "From:" field based on the Return-Path value. This
behavior is consistent with other mail servers, such as Sendmail. Previously, the messages were being posted as-is, resulting in some confusion because the target mail system would often create one
on its own from the Return-Path that Lyris List Manager uses, which is listname-admin@...
Hostname must be a name: The "host name" field for a "site" no longer will accept a tcp/ip address. You must enter a real hostname. Previously, tcp/ip addresses were allowed, and
people would then have problems because having a From: be a tcp/ip address is not supported by a wide number of other mail servers.
Bug fixes
Fixed an initialization bug caused when no serial number was defined. With no serial number defined, Lyris List Manager would queue up more jobs that necessary, resulting in a loss of server
Fixed a bug where the some mail jobs in the outgoing mail queue were marked as "pending" (currently sending) when they were actually waiting for a thread to enable them to send. Now, jobs are only
labeled "pending" if they really are currently sending.