To: Header
If filled in this, specifies the To: message header on mail that is distributed to the mailing list.
By default, this field is not filled in and Lyris List Manager sets the To: header to be: "List Description <list-email-address>" as in "Jazz Discussion List <>"
You can specify any string you like in the To: header field, as long as it is a valid email address. For instance, the string "Jazz Discussion List" is not a valid To: setting, but
the string "Jazz Discussion List <>" is valid. Just entering "" is valid as well. If you enter a value for this field which is not an email address, the mail
received from Lyris List Manager may be rejected or the To: may be rewritten to something odd, depending on what the receiving email system is programmed to do with invalid email addresses.
If you want to have the To: header be the email address of each recipient, you can use the mail merge feature to accomplish this. In the To: field, enter $subst('Recip.EmailAddr').
If you wanted to have a combination description/email address, you could make the To: field be: "Jazz Discussion List <$subst('Recip.EmailAddr')>"
See How can I use the Mail merge feature?.
Leave To Field Unchanged
Lyris List Manager has the option of not changing the To: status of a contributed message and distributing it as-is. In this mode, the To: field will not be created, deleted or overwritten. Without
this option set, by default replaces whatever is in the contributed message's To: field with the address of the mailing list, so that it is easy for people to submit messages to the list and see that
they are on the mailing list.
To enable this option, and leave untouched the To: field of contributed messages, enter the word "nochange" as the To: text.