How do I shut down the Lyris List Manager?
If you are running Lyris List Manager in the foreground, you can tell Lyris List Manager to shut down cleanly by using any of the mechanisms:
* Type the word "shutdown" on the Lyris List Manager console, if Lyris List Manager is running in the foreground (not as a background services on NT, or a daemon on Unix).
* Run the program "perl". is located in a subdirectory off of your Lyris List Manager directory. * On Unix, issue a "kill -15 LYRIS-PROCESS-ID" after
determining the Lyris List Manager process ID. You can determine the process ID by reading the contents of the file /tmp/ that always contains the process ID of the currently running Lyris
List Manager server. Kill -9 will also work, but will not be a "clean" shutdown, and is equivalent to powering off. * On NT, if Lyris List Manager is running as a background service,
by running the command "net stop lyris"