Unix Administration
This Perl script checks to make sure that a given Lyris List Manager host is working properly, by going to the web interface and making sure the page displays correct information. If
there appears to be a problem, an email message is sent off.
We recommend that you place this script in your Unix cron table, and have it periodically check the status of your Lyris List Manager server.
To use this program, use the following command line:
./chklyris.pl http://clio.lyris.net/cgi-bin/lyris.pl root 10
The parameters are: * The URL to check (which needs to be the web interface). * The email address to send notifications "To". * The slowest
acceptable time for the web interface to respond. If the average is slower than this, a notification is sent.
Depending on the location of Sendmail (default is /usr/lib/sendmail) and Lynx (default is /usr/local/bin/lynx) on your Unix system, you may need to edit the variables at the top of this script.
You can download this script from the "Scripts" section of the Lyris List Manager download page.