Forward Mail
Optionally forward non-Lyris mail to another SMTP server.
This allows Lyris List Manager to coexist with another SMTP server on the same machine.
For instance, if the machine you want to run Lyris List Manager on has a mail server running on it (Sendmail or Post.Office) and you want this machine to continue running a mail server, then this
setting will allow Lyris List Manager to coexist with your mail server.
Before Lyris List Manager can be installed you will need to configure your mail server to listen to a different port than port 25 for receiving mail. Once this is done, you can install Lyris List
Manager and instruct it with this "Forward Mail" feature to pass non-Lyris mail onto your regular mail server. Mail sending and receiving from both Lyris List Manager and your regular mail server is
In this way, both Lyris List Manager and your mail server can coexist peacefully on the same machine.
For this "Forward Mail" setting you will need to specify the TCP/IP address and port number.
For example: " 2025" forwards non-Lyris mail to an SMTP server running on the same machine, on port 2025. This is a common setting when Lyris List Manager is coexisting with a mail server
on the same machine.
Another example: " 25" forwards non-Lyris mail to an SMTP server running on a different machine. Thus, mail that isn't for Lyris List Manager is forwarded to another mail server for
regular processing.
For more information, see Having Sendmail coexist with Lyris List Manager or Having Post.Office Coexist with Lyris List Manager