Using the NT authentication option
To use the NT authentication option in Lyris List Manager, you first need to install it. Refer to the next chapter for assistance on doing this.
Once you have installed the NT authentication option, you need to create NT groups to represent the various security roles you want to be able to assign.
There are three kinds of NT groups that Lyris List Manager recognizes.
They are:
lyris-server-admin lyris-site-admin-<site name> lyris-list-admin-<list name>
For example, the group which grants security rights to a list named "soccer", would be a group named "lyris-list-admin-soccer". You would then use the NT User Manager program to
assign this group right to whichever users should have this right.
When logging into the web interface, you are faced with the "admin login" page. On this page, Lyris List Manager asks for your name and password. On this page, you now enter the NT user name and NT
user password that you want to use. When you click the form submit button, it will verify your password and allow you whatever pages your NT groups allow you into.