The Line Continuation Character
If your Lyris List Manager command will not fit on one line, you can use the line continuation character to tell it that the next line in your message should be treated as part of this
line. The line continuation character is the ampersand character.
For example, a simple subscribe request, such as:
subscribe jazztalk Robert Smith
can be written with the line continuation character as:
subscribe jazztalk & Robert Smith
or even as:
subscribe & jazztalk & Robert & Smith
Note: The slash character ("\") can be used as a line continuation character, instead of using the ampersand. For example:
subscribe \ jazztalk \ Robert \ Smith
Another example of a good use of the line continuation character is multiple commands to the lyris@ address, i.e., to delete multiple members:
login xxxxxx delete listname quiet & Member1 & Member2 & Member3 & end
If adding '&' to the end of each line doesn't suit you, you can use "<<" and ">>" to delimit a list of items that should be considered as a single line. In otherwords, if you
wanted to paste a list of email addresses, one address per line, into your command message, you can accomplish this easily using "<<" and ">>".
For example:
login xxxxxx add jazztalk << Member1 Member2 Member3 ... MemberX >>
By using the "<<" and ">>" delimiters, you don't have to place a "&" or "\" at the end of each line.