Lyris List Manager supports several different ways of subscribing to a mailing list. These are:
1) Join a mailing list by sending email to
2) You can send a subscribe command to the address.
3) You can send a subscribe command to the address.
Lyris List Manager is very forgiving with respect to the format of the email address of the subscriber. If there is a "Default Domain" for the server, any subscribe request, which includes only a
handle (i.e., account name without a domain) will have the default domain appended to it. In addition, email addresses with an IP address as the domain are also acceptable. Thus, a subscribe
request from "bob@" or "bob@[]" is an acceptable subscriber email address.
The Simplest Method for Subscribing
Alternatives for the word "subscribe"
Subscribing with the Lyris@ address
Set your Password
Setting Other Membership Options
Backwards Compatibility of Subscribing Methods
Subscribing with the listname-request address