Sites Menu First Page
The Sites Menu has the following elements:
Choose Site to Delete All the currently existing sites are listed in this list box. To delete a site, you first select the site to delete.
Delete Site button After selecting a site to delete, clicking this button will delete the site. There is no "are you sure?" confirmation page. Please note if the site contains
Topics and Mailing lists, you should delete that first before deleting the site.
Create site Clicking the Create Site button brings you to the Create Site page.
Edit site
Clicking on the Edit Site button brings you to the Edit Site Settings page. This page contains all the information you entered when creating the site.
Clone site
You click on a site to "clone" then click on clone site. This will bring you to the Create Site page, with all of the settings already set to what the site you are cloning has. You may edit the
settings as you like. You would use this if you wanted to create a site with all or most of the same settings as an already existing site.