Reject Email Submissions
This setting determines whether all submissions sent via email should be automatically rejected. By default, this is set to allow submissions by email. If you set this to "yes", then
any email that is sent to the list will automatically be rejected. Only postings made through the web interface or via a Perl script (using the Lyris/Perl Toolkit) will be allowed.
Email can fairly easily be "spoofed"; that is, someone can make the email appear to be from someone it isn't from. Thus, email is not a very secure mechanism for authenticating users. Someone
malicious can configure their email program to be someone else and send messages as if they were that person.
In most mailing list situations, users behave ethically, and do not impersonate others so, the risk of abuse is minimal.
However, you may have a need to have as much security as possible so, that there is very little risk of improper email getting posted to your list. In such a case, you might want to disallow all
postings over email. Only postings through the web interface or postings made with a Perl script will be allowed. Note: These postings will be subject to normal security settings, such as
moderation, action phrases, etc.