Allow Cross-posting
This setting determines if messages that are cross-posted are rejected by Lyris List Manager or if they are allowed onto the list.
A cross-posted message occurs when a single message is sent to more than one mailing list on a server. For example, in the To: field of an email message, the author can list several mailing lists
and thus deliver the same message to several lists.
By default, Lyris List Manager does not allow cross-posting. It will catch a cross-posted message, see that it has already been posted to another list and reject any further attempts to post the
identical message. If the message is modified slightly in some way (i.e., an extra space, a carriage return, an extra sentence, etc.) it will not be considered a cross-posting.
In general, cross-posting to mailing lists is considered bad Internet etiquette and, occasionally, it is a method used by spammers to disseminate inappropriate email. However, there are many
circumstances where it is appropriate. For instance, if there are two mailing lists that deal with related topics, messages appropriate to both groups are written, the author may want the message to
be distributed to both mailing lists.