Multiple TCP/IP addresses
If you have multiple TCP/IP addresses on the machine running Lyris List Manager, by default it will listen for TCP/IP connections on all your TCP/IP addresses.
If you would like to limit Lyris List Manager to only some of your TCP/IP addresses, you can enter them here. If you enter several TCP/IP addresses, separate each address with a carriage return.
You will need to restart the server after saving your changes in order for them to take effect.
Lyris List Manager will use the first TCP/IP address you list here for all outgoing connections. Thus, if you have some TCP/IP addresses that have access only to an Internal network and others that
have access to the External network, make sure that the first TCP/IP address you list has access to the portion of your network that you want Lyris List Manager to mail to (keep in mind that the
"first" IP address you specify is not necessarily the "first" IP address on the machine. This is important to remember when you are determining which IP address you will use to register your Lyris
List Manager). You also should make sure that you do not list as your first TCP/IP address, because then Lyris List Manager will not be able to send mail to any machine but the local host.
On Windows machines, Lyris List Manager can listen to more than 16 IP addresses, and you can specify a special address (, which will force Lyris List Manager to listen to ALL TCP/IP addresses
on the machine.
When Lyris List Manager starts up, it will check on ports 2020 and 25 of each of the TCP/IP addresses it listens to, to determine if another program is currently using that port and TCP/IP address
combination. Two programs cannot both listen to the same TCP/IP address and port. If there is a conflict, Lyris List Manager will inform you of the problem, and will exit.
One reason to use the Multiple TCP/IP addresses feature is if you want to have Lyris List Manager coexist with a mail server also running on your machine. If your mail server can be made to only
listen to a specific TCP/IP address (sendmail can, with the oOAddr= option), then you can have Lyris List Manager listen to the other address(es), and the two programs can coexist on your machine.
Web Interface Note: By default, the web interface uses the loopback address ( to talk to the server on the same machine. If you specify IP addresses to use, you might want to list as one of the IP addresses, so that the web interface can continue to function. If you do not want Lyris List Manager to use, you can still use the web interface, but you will
need to change the Web Interface's "server_ip_address" setting to point to the new address. The "server_ip_address" setting for the web interface is found in the "lyris.plc" file. If your
installation is configured to use your own web server, "lyris.plc" is located in the same directory as "" For the case of the Apache web server, "lyris.plc" is installed in