Main Menu
The "Lyris List Manager Home page" for your site is the starting point to all web interface functions. This is the page that is displayed when a user goes to the web interface URL for
your site.
A sample URL might be: (Note: this is not a real url, it is only an example)
The first page will say Main Menu, and has the following elements:
Site graphic The graphic logo of your organization is displayed here. In Lyris List Manager terminology, one organization is a "site", and each site can have its own topics and
mailing lists. There can be many sites defined on one server.
If there are multiple sites defined on one server, the site a user sees depends on the URL they go to. A different site can be specified in several ways, with a different CGI program, such as,,, each for a different site, each having a separate configuration file (lyris.plc, yourcompany.plc, acme.plc). Or, each site
might be defined as a "virtual domain" on your web server, in which case each domain has its own CGI directory, and hence its own copy of the Lyris List Manager Web Interface script,
Finally, you can also specify the site to display on the URL itself, by adding site=<sitename> on the URL, as in:
Note: If no graphic is defined for the site, Lyris List Manager will instead display the name of the organization for that site as text. The Site Graphic is defined when the Site
is created in Lyris List Manager.
Page Title The title of each Lyris List Manager Web Interface page is displayed in this location. This will help you understand the purpose of each page, and keep you from
getting lost.
Topic Description This line of text titles the topics that follow. If there are no topics defined, this text will say so. Topics are created by the Site Administrator. See
Create Topic Page
Topic listing Every topic for a site is displayed here. If a topic has a graphic defined, then the graphic is displayed rather than the text of the topic name.
Graphics Off button If you click this button, the Home Page will re-display, with no graphics on the page. From that point on, you will be able to navigate the web interface
with all the pages using all text, no graphics. This option is useful if you have a slow Internet connection, use browsers which do not display graphics, and if you prefer to use the web interface
faster (but less attractive), since the per-page load time is faster with graphics off.
Admin button The admin button brings you to the Administrator Login screen. Before you can proceed beyond that page, you will need to enter a username and password.
Depending on the your existing security level, you will be allowed to proceed to the list admin, site admin or server administrator menus. If you do not have an administrator account on this Lyris
List Manager, you will not be able to access the administrator menus. (Note: Administrator privileges are set in the People section of Site Admin or Server Admin.) Lyris List Manager has different
pages for List Administrators, Site Administrators and Server Administrators.