Installing the Web Interface on a separate Web Server
The web interface does not need to run on the same computer as the Lyris List Manger. The web interface is a standard CGI script, and uses TCP/IP to communicate with the Lyris List
Manager, so it can be moved to any machine running a CGI capable web server.
The easiest way to do this is to install Lyris List Manager on the web server, but not actually run the Lyris List Manager server. You can then go to steps 4 and 5 below.
If you want to do a manual installation of the web interface on a Web server, follow these steps:
1) On windows and OS/2, copy the contents of \lyris\web to your Web Server's CGI directory. On Unix, copy the contents of \lyris\cgi to your Web Server's CGI directory.
2) Copy the contents of \lyris\graphics to a \lyris directory off of your Web Server's document directory. For instance, if your web server document directory is c:\inetpub\docs, copy the files to
3) Install Perl on the web server, if you do not yet have it. For Windows: copy the contents of \lyris\perl to c:\perl on your web server machine and run perlinst.bat. Alternatively, download the
Perl installation program from For OS/2: copy the contents of \lyris\perl to c:\perl on your web server machine, then copy \lyris\emx\bin to \os2 and \lyris\emx\dll to \os2\dll.
On Unix, perform the full Perl build and installation as explained at If you already have Perl running on this machine, run "perl -v" to make sure that you are running Perl version
5.003 or newer.
4) Modify the file named lyris.plc. If you have configured your Lyris List Manager installation to use your web server, the "lyris.plc" file will be in the CGI-BIN directory (or SCRIPTS directory,
if you are using IIS). If you are using the Apache web server installed with Lyris List Manager, this file will be found in the lib directory under Apache. In that file, you will find a line which
says: "server_ip_address=", change the IP address to the IP address of your Lyris List Manager server. See Modifying lyris.plc.
5) Finally, you need to tell your Lyris List Manager that the IP address of your web server has the security approval to run the Command Protocol. To do this, go to the command line, and enter:
"lyris.exe lcp", substituting the IP address of your Web Server for the IP address given there.
6) Test the web interface by opening up a command window, going to your CGI directory, and typing "perl". You should see a screen full of HTML appear. At this point, the web interface
should be available on your web server.