How does searching work?
I was just trying Lyris List Manager, and was wondering how the search engine inside worked? Does it index every document? Or does it search directly in the messages
in the database?
Lyris List Manager indexes each message: it removes all the punctuation and numbers, and creates an index based on the remaining individual words.
A word is anything over 3 characters and up to 30 characters.
When you do a search it accesses this index, looks up the word and gives the appropriate archived messages.
Thanks for the information, but doesn't this slow down the message delivery, because you have to index each message when it comes in?
No, indexing is done with a separate thread that is lowest priority. Anything else Lyris List Manager needs to do, like sending messages, gets done first, interrupting the message
indexing. When the Lyris List Manager server is completely idle and has nothing else to do, the indexing resumes.