Database Operations
Lyris List Manager uses a number of database files for storing all its information. These files are stored in the ~lyris\db directory. The command line options operate on the
database files:
dbcreate Create all database tables used by Lyris List Manager. Any existing tables in the "db" directory will be deleted and recreated.
If you specify a password on the command line, this will be used to create a default administrator account with the name "admin". If you do not specify a password the password for the admin account
will be "lyris".
For example, to create the databases with an admin password of "blue", you would type:
Please note that this will completely erase any data you have in ~lyris\db and start you anew. If you are unsure about this command, back up your ~lyris\db directory first.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
Recreate the incoming mail database table, clearing the table that already exists.
This option is useful if a catastrophic disk error has occurred, and your incoming mail database is corrupted, and you want to rebuild it from scratch.
This option is also useful if you want to quickly erase all email in the incoming mail database, perhaps because you sent a lot of email to Lyris List Manager that you now realize you do not want it
to process.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
Recreate the outgoing mail database table, clearing the table that already exists.
This option is useful if a catastrophic disk error has occurred, and your outgoing mail database is corrupted, and you want to rebuild it from scratch.
This option is also useful if you want to quickly erase all email in the outgoing mail database, perhaps because you told Lyris List Manager to send a lot of email you now realize you do not want it
to send.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
Recreate the Lyris List Manager log database table, clearing out all log entries that are currently there.
This option is useful if you want to completely clear all the log entries in Lyris List Manager, in a very rapid manner. For example, if you have no need for the existing log entries, this will
remove them all.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dbfastpack Removes completed mail from the incoming and outgoing mail databases and compresses them.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dbupgrade Converts the Lyris List Manager database files to the most current format. You need to run this command when upgrading to a new version of Lyris List Manager. Normally, the
Setup program takes care of running this for.
If you are upgrading to a new major version of Lyris (e.g. from 3.0 to 4.0) you will need an upgrade code in order to use the dbupgrade command line utility. In otherwords, you will need an upgrade
code to upgrade your installation. Once you have your code, it is used in the following manner:
Once you have used the code to upgrade to your new version, you should not need an upgrade code again until you upgrade to another major version.
This dbupgrade option also reindexed the database and removes any wasted space. The dbupgrade option is the best choice for cleaning up and tuning the existing Lyris List Manager database files.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dbpack This option removes the wasted space in the Lyris List Manager database files. This is also known as "packing" the databases. If you are using the standard FoxPro
databases, this operation is necessary to remove all those records which have been marked for deletion.
It is highly recommended to use "dbpack" as a maintenance tool. This is extremely useful in making the databases more efficient.
dbbadcharfix This utility scans the member files for bad characters in email addresses, which can potentially cause Lyris List Manager to hang in certain circumstances. If your
mailings are going out particularly slow, you may want to run this utility in order to scan the member lists and remove the bad characters causing the slowdown. As of Lyris List Manager 4.0, this
utility is built into the dbupgrade utility when you upgrade from a previous database. Once you are running with List Manager 4.0, the "bad character check" is run automatically when new database
rows are created, so this separate command line step is unneeded.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dblistnamefix This utility scans the lists on the server to find and repair any mixed case list names. There is a known problem with mixed case list names, and this utility
finds and fixes any mixed case list names by converting them to all lower case. As of Lyris List Manager 4.0, this utility is built into the dbupgrade utility when you upgrade from a previous
database. Once you are running with List Manager 4.0, the "bad list name check" is run automatically when new database rows are created, so this separate command line step is unneeded.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dbmemberidfix This utility scans the members database in order to find and repair duplicate member id's. If the database index is corrupted, usually because of a user-program
(i.e.: Microsoft Access), writing the Lyris database files at the same time Lyris is running, it is possible to corrupt the member id index and duplicate member ids would occur. This dbmemberidfix
command line finds any duplicate member ids and assigns new IDs to any duplicates, thus repairing the problem. As of Lyris List Manager 4.0, this utility is built into the dbupgrade utility when
upgrading from a previous database.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.
dbmemberemailfix This utility scans the members database in order to find duplicate email addresses on the same list. Usually, an email address is not allowed to subscribe
twice to a list, but if the email address is added by an external program (i.e.: Microsoft Access), then Lyris cannot prohibit the duplicate entry. Also, a duplicate subscribe can be caused by
someone subscribing twice with different email addresses, then changing one of their subscriptions to use the same email address as the other one. This command line option finds and fixes any email
addresses that are subscribed twice on a single list, and deletes the multiple memberships, leaving only the first one. As of Lyris List Manager 4.0, this utility is built into the dbupgrade utility
when upgrading from a previous database.
Lyris List Manager must not be running when this command is run.