Create Person
The Create Person page has the following elements:
Name (required) The name that the web interface will use to refer to this person. This name will never be displayed to outside users.
Site Admin (optional) Defines whether or not this person should have the security privileges to be a Site Administrator.
What Sites (optional) If this person is a Site Administrator, he or she will define the Sites this person is Site Administrator for. Note: Being a Site Administrator also gives
the person security rights to be a List Administrator over any lists in that site. If the person is not a Site Administrator, this setting has no effect. Multiple sites can be selected from this
list box.
Server Admin (optional) Defines whether this person should have the security privileges to be a Server Administrator. Note: Being a Server Administrator also gives the person
security rights to be a Site Administrator of all the Sites on this server.
Password (optional) Defines the login password for this administrator. This is the password you will have to enter at the Administrator Login page in order to identify
themselves as this administrator. While this field is optional, it is highly recommended that this person have a password if they are a Site or Server administrator.
Email Address (optional) For informational purposes, an email address of this person for contacting this person.
Telephone (optional) For informational purposes, the voice telephone number of this person.
Fax number (optional) For informational purposes, the fax telephone number for this person.
Address (optional) For informational purposes, the postal address of this person.
Comment (optional) Miscellaneous information about this person.