Configuring Apache
There are three main configuration files for Apache: shared.conf, httpd.conf(.unix), and local.conf. There is a "readme" in the Apache/conf directory, which is very helpful in
explaining the function of these files.
The combined length of these files is less than 100 lines, and they are all documented very well. Thus, if you have any general questions, simply opening one of these files and looking around may
provide the answer.
Please note that whenever you edit the configuration of Apache using these files, it is almost always necessary to stop and restart Apache in order for the changes to take effect.
This is a configuration file with definitions specific to your installation. Most options are determined automatically when the server initializes, so this file generally includes only the
definition of your server's port. This file is generated automatically from "local.conf.tmpl" during installation.
This contains shared configuration directives, used under both Windows and Unix.
httpd.conf and httpd.conf.unix
httpd.conf is the main Apache configuration file for use under Windows NT, while httpd.conf.unix is the main Apache configuration file for use under UNIX.
Apache Port
TCP/IP Addresses
Apache Command Line