What can you do with mailing lists?
There are many kinds of mailing lists that we categorize into roughly three types:
Announcement lists: These are typically used to distribute information about a product, a service, an event or other noteworthy information. In most cases, the organization that runs the
mailing list controls what information is sent out.
Open discussion: Anyone who is a member of the mailing list can submit information to be distributed to the entire group. In this way, a group discussion can take place.
Moderated forums/discussions: A hybrid of the two types above, where members of the group can submit information to be distributed to the entire group, but submissions need to go through an
approval process before they are distributed.
Lyris List Manager also allows you to create auto-responders. These are email "robots" which reply to any incoming electronic mail with a specific document. For instance,
pricing@your-company.com could send back a product pricing sheet to anyone who wrote to it.