Web Interface Header and Footer
html_header= html_header_text= html_footer= html_footer_text=
You can define HTML that you want placed at the top or at the bottom of every web interface page.
This feature can be used to place a common toolbar on the bottom of every page or a legal disclaimer, corporate logo or whatever information you desire.
The "_text" version of the header or footer is used by Lyris List Manager, if the person using the web interface decided to turn "graphics off". In other words, it is a text version of the standard
html_header that you define.
Here are two examples:
If you have a lot of HTML to define, you may want to use several lines. This makes the HTML easier to read. Lyris List Manager will automatically glue the lines together. Here is
an example:
html_header=<h1> html_header=This site sponsored by MyCorp! html_header=</h1>
Lyris List Manager also provides the option to automatically rotate between various header or footer choices. A common use of this feature is to place advertising in the web
interface. Each time a web page in the Lyris web interface is displayed, a random header among those you define is chosen. To define multiple choices, uses two bar characters, "||", to separate the
choices. Here is an example:
html_header=<h1>This site sponsored by MyCorp!</h1>||<h1>This site sponsored by OtherCorp!</h1>||<h1>This site sponsored by AnotherCorp!</h1>
If you prefer, you can use multiple lines to make the choices easier to read:
html_header=<h1>This site sponsored by MyCorp!</h1> html_header=|| html_header=<h1>This site sponsored by OtherCorp!</h1> html_header=||
html_header=<h1>This site sponsored by 3rdCorp!</h1>
Remember to Convert the Equals Sign to "%3D"
Important Note: You cannot use the equal's sign in your HTML text -- your header definition will not work if you try to.
To work around this, be sure to replace any occurrence of "=" with the code "%3D". For example, if your HTML code is:
<a href="http://www.mycorp.com">This site sponsored by MyCorp!</a>
The configuration command for doing this is:
html_header=<a href%3D"http://www.mycorp.com">This site sponsored by MyCorp!</a>