How to Install Lyris List Manager by Hand
If you do not want to use the "install_lyris" script, you can follow these steps to install it by hand.
1) Uncompress lyris tar file to the directory where you want to run it from (which will henceforth be referred to as ~lyris).
2) Create a directory named "/lyris" under your HTML document root directory on your web server (possibly named html or htdocs), then copy the files from directory ~lyris/docs/lyris (~lyris being
the directory where Lyris is installed) to this directory. You should be able to see these graphics from the URL http://localhost/lyris.
3) If you have Perl installed, skip to the next step. If you do not have Perl installed, copy the file ~lyris/bin/perl to /usr/bin/perl . Make a site_perl directory, based on the output of running:
/usr/bin/perl -e 'print join("\n",@INC)'
on the command line.
4) Copy the files in ~lyris/apache/{lib,cgi-bin} (both the lib and cgi-bin subdirectories of ~lyris/apache) to your local Perl library directory (site_perl).
5) Copy the following files in the ~lyris/apache/cgi-bin directory to the "cgi-bin" directory on your web server:, This directory should already exist, and is
not located in your HTML document directory. It is a separate directory your web server maintains for running CGI scripts.
6) To make function in the new directory, it needs the following line added to it (in the BEGIN section):
use lib "/usr/local/lyris/apache/lib";
Be certain to make the appropriate substitution for where you installed the Lyris package. Additionally, needs to be modified to specify addition include paths. Add
the following item:
Again, adjust the path for your particular installation.
7) Run the following command:
~lyris/bin/lyris dbcreate <admin-password>
To create the Lyris databases. Specify the administrator password you would like to use on this server. For example, "lyris dbcreate sesame" would create an account named "admin"
with a password of "sesame"
8) Run the following command:
~lyris/bin/lyris dns
To assign Lyris to your DNS server. Change "" to the TCP/IP of your DNS server.
9) If you want Lyris to run its SMTP receiving agent on an alternate port, run the following command:
~lyris/bin/lyris smtpport 26
Where "26" specifies the port you want Lyris to use.
10) If you want Lyris to only listen to specific TCP/IP addresses, run the command:
~lyris/bin/lyris tcpip
Substituting the TCP/IP addresses you want Lyris to use. Note: We recommend that you let Lyris List Manager listen to the localhost address ( because the web interface
( goes to that by default. If you do not allow Lyris List Manager to listen to, you will need to edit the file "lyris.plc" that is located in your cgi-bin directory, so that the
line which reads "server_ip_address=" points to a TCP/IP address that Lyris List Manager is listening on. Note: The Command Protocol that the web interface uses to communicate with the Lyris List
Manager, listens on port 2020.
11) Read the directions below to decide on a method for having Sendmail and Lyris coexist.
12) Run the command:
(preferrably in the bash shell) to increase your file descriptor limit. Then, run:
To run Lyris in the foreground or run the command:
To run Lyris in the background. If you encounter a problem, run Lyris in the foreground, in debug mode, with the command "~lyris/bin/lyris start debug".
13) Send mail to lyris@your-server to make sure that Lyris is answering email<p>.
14) Change directory (cd) to your web server's CGI directory. Run "<b>./</b>". You should see a page full of HTML displayed. <p>.
15) With a web browser, go to the URL <a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/">http://localhost/cgi-bin/</a> and follow the configuration instructions.<p>.
16) Copy the file "S96lyris" from the Lyris /bin installation directory, into your /etc/rc2.d directory (Solaris) or under Linux to /etc/rc.d/rcX.d, where X is the second value returned by running
the command:
This will typically result in 3 or 5. If you did not install Lyris in /opt/lyris you will need to edit this file to point to the location where you did install Lyris List Manager
to. This S96 file will automatically start and stop the Lyris List Manager background daemon whenever you boot up and shut down.
17) For Solaris, run the command:
If a number smaller than 150 is displayed, you do not have enough file descriptors for Lyris to function correctly.
On most Unixes, you can increase your file descriptor limit by issuing the command:
Be sure to issue this command before you run Lyris List Manager. Note: The S96lyris file does this for you before running the background daemon. If you always use this S96lyris to
start and stop Lyris List Manager, then you do not need to worry about file descriptors, since it fixes this for you.
On Solaris, to permanently increase the maximum file descriptor limit, add these two lines to /etc/system
set rlim_fd_max=0x400 set rlim_fd_cur=0x300
You will need to reboot your Solaris in order for this change to take effect. Once you reboot, check that the change worked, with "/usr/bin/ulimit -n"
For Linux users, Linux normally has a limitation of 4096 file descriptors for the whole OS (1024 max per process). To increase the maximum for the whole OS, you edit the /proc/sys/fs/file-max file.
That's all! Lyris List Manager should now be running on your system!