Four main Security roles
Lyris List Manager allows full delegation of rights and responsibilities to others, so that one person is not stuck with the bulk of the work. The four roles are:
* Server Administrators: Have complete rights over the entire server. Can create sites.
* Site Administrators: Have complete rights over the sites (also known as virtual servers) given to them. Can create and remove mailing lists within their site. Also has rights
over the lists located in their site. Site administrators are not aware of other sites on the servers, nor are they aware of mailing lists belonging to these other sites.
* List Administrators: Have complete rights over the mailing lists given to them. Can edit the member accounts for people who are members of their lists. Reduced-rights list
administrators can also be created. For example, a list admin who only has moderator privileges.
* Members: A single email address who belongs to a mailing list. Have rights over their own settings and password.
Each of these roles can be assigned to multiple people and each person can have multiple roles. All roles are protected by a username / password combination and all roles except members are required
to have a password. If additional member security is desired, members can be required to define a password and will be automatically assigned a password if they do not.