Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Triggered Mailings: Edit Triggered Mailings
The Edit Triggered Mailing page is reached from the Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Triggered Mailings page, by clicking the ID number next to the triggered mailing you want to view or edit. The editing option is here to allow you to make changes in the frequency, run time, etc., without deleting the mailing and having to create a new one.
There are four tabs on this page to easily edit the triggered mailing:
Message Body
For details, see Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Body
Message Header
For details, see Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Header
For details, see Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Recipients
The selected trigger will be displayed here. To edit this trigger, click the edit button to go to the Segments: New/Edit Segment: Essentials page. It is not recommended that the segment be edited after the triggered mailing is created. If this is necessary, please make sure that the times set for the mailing correspond with any changes in the triggered segment.
Next run time
Enter the first (next) run time for the mailing. This is the first date/time that the triggered mailing will run, regardless of previous run times and run frequencies. This must be entered in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or click the calendar to select a date. If no time is entered, it will default to YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. The default is tonight at 23:59 (just before midnight).
Previous run time (optional)
This is the original time or date from which the mailing will begin to detect members that will receive this mailing the first time. This must be entered in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or click the calendar to select a date. If no time is entered, it will default to YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. In general, this field will be left blank, in which case the Run Frequency will be used to determine how long before the next run time the trigger will start detecting trigger events. You may wish to enter a specific time, though, in case you wish to immediately send to members who have already met the requirements of the trigger in the last month, for example.
Run Frequency
Select how many days/weeks/months apart this mailing will run. Each time the mailing runs, ListManager will look for members who have met the criteria to receive a mailing, since the last time the mailing ran. The default run frequency is "1 day."
Time from trigger event
Select the number of hours/days/weeks/months/years before or after the trigger event the mailing should run. ListManager will see that the trigger event has occurred, and that the member(s) qualify to receive the mailing, but will not send the mailing immediately; rather it will delay it by the time specified here. For instance, if a member purchased an item on August 29th, 2003, you can then send the mailing 2 days after the purchase (the trigger event) rather than immediately upon the purchase. Then the setting would be "2 days afterwards". The "before" option is for future triggers that you may anticipate, such as a member birthday or join date anniversary. This would send the triggered mailing the set time prior to the upcoming event (i.e. birthday).
1. Mailings
1. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Body
2. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Header
3. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Recipients
4. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Schedule
4. Mailings: Mailing Status
1. Mailings: Mailing Status: All Outgoing Mailings by Date
2. Mailings: Mailing Status: Currently Active Mailings
3. Mailings: Mailing Status: Completed Mailings
4. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings
1. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing
2. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing Wizard
3. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Triggered Mailings
4. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Editing Triggered Mailings
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Trigger Tab
6. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing
7. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing Wizard
8. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Sequential Mailings
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