Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Triggered Mailings: View Triggered Mailings
Triggered mailings are a feature of ListManager Enterprise, and are unavailable for standard or Pro ListManager. Contact your account representative at if you'd like to upgrade to ListManager Enterprise.The View Triggered Mailings page displays a list of all triggered mailings, from which they can be edited, tested, rescheduled, or deleted.
In addition, a new triggered mailing can be created from this page by clicking
Finding a Triggered Mailing
Ten triggered mailings are shown at a time. To view more than ten at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of triggered mailings at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the triggered mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to the ID, Mailing Name, Subject, or Run Date. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a).
To search this table, click .
To export this table as a CSV file, click
Viewing or Editing an Existing Triggered Mailing
To view a triggered mailing, click the ID for that mailing. You will be taken to the Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Editing Triggered Mailings page, where you can view the mailing details, edit it, or save and test it.
Testing an Existing Triggered Mailing
Click Test next to the triggered mailing you'd like to test. ListManager will show you the name and subject of the mailing. Enter a valid email address to test that the mailing arrives and verify the content. Enter a sample size (usually 1), and set whether or not to perform spam analysis.
Rescheduling a Triggered Mailing
Triggered mailings can be rescheduled to be sent out on a different date or at a different time. When
you click on "reschedule", this opens the "Reschedule Triggered Mailing" page. Here,
the Mailing name and Subject are hard coded and cannot be edited, and the current send date and time are
displayed. To unschedule this triggered mailing completely, click
Deleting a Triggered Mailing
Click Delete next to the triggered mailing you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the mailing.
Creating a Mailing
Download as a File
Click the disk icon to download your triggered mailings in CSV format. This will download the information seen on this page, including the mailing name, subject, run date, etc.
1. Mailings
1. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Body
2. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Header
3. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Recipients
4. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Schedule
4. Mailings: Mailing Status
1. Mailings: Mailing Status: All Outgoing Mailings by Date
2. Mailings: Mailing Status: Currently Active Mailings
3. Mailings: Mailing Status: Completed Mailings
4. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings
1. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing
2. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing Wizard
3. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Triggered Mailings
4. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Editing Triggered Mailings
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Trigger Tab
6. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing
7. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing Wizard
8. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Sequential Mailings
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