Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Sequential Mailings: View Sequential Mailings
Sequential mailings are a feature of ListManager Enterprise, and are unavailable for standard or Pro ListManager. Contact your account representative at if you'd like to upgrade to ListManager Enterprise.
The View Sequential Mailings page displays a list of all sequential mailings. To view the mailings in sequence that comprise each sequential mailing, click on the Sequential Mailing Name link. This opens the Sequential Details page, which displays all of the individual mailings that make up the sequential mailings. These individual mailings can be further edited by clicking the ID number next mailing. This allows you to edit the mailing itself. This can best be described as follows:
Sequential page (displays sequential mailings) > Sequential Details page (displays individual mailings in sequence for the selected sequential mailing).
In addition, a new sequential mailing can be created from this page by clicking create new sequential mailing. For more information on how to create sequential mailings, see Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing and Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing Wizard.
Note that the list's recency limits may not be overriden when creating a new sequential mailing using this wizard. However, these limits may be edited later in Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Sequential Mailings: Edit Sequential Mailing.
Finding a Sequential Mailing
Ten sequential mailings are shown at a time. Note that the view here displays each sequential mailing, NOT the individual mailings that comprise a sequential mailing. To see the individual mailings that belong to a sequential mailing, click on the sequential mailing name to be taken to the Sequential Details page, from where new mailings can be added to the sequence.
To view more than ten at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of triggered mailings at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the sequential mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to the Sequential Mailing Name or Count. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a).
Viewing or Editing an Existing Sequential Mailing
To view a sequential mailing, click the ID for that mailing. You will be taken to the Sequential Details page, where you can test, reschedule, or delete the mailing in the sequence, or further edit it by clicking the ID.
Testing an Existing Sequential Mailing
Sequential mailings must be tested from the Sequential Details page. Click Test next to the mailing in the sequence like to test. ListManager will show you the name and subject of the mailing. Enter a valid email address to test that the mailing arrives and to verify the content. Enter a sample size (usually 1), and set whether or not to perform spam analysis. It is strongly recommended that segments are tested when saved, to make sure that no errors occur.
Rescheduling a Sequential Mailing
Sequential mailings can be rescheduled to be sent out on a different date or at a different time. When you click "reschedule", this opens the "Reschedule Sequential Mailing" page. Here, the Mailing name and Subject are hard coded and cannot be edited, and the current send date and time are displayed. To unschedule this triggered mailing completely, click unschedule. This will prevent the mailing from going out at all in the future. Enter the new rescheduled date and time, previous send date and time (if necessary) upon which to base the send date calculations, or the new send frequency. Changing these values allows you to skip sending mailings for a period of time, or resend the mailing for a period of time.
Deleting a Sequential Mailing
Sequential mailings must be deleted from the Sequential Details page. Click Delete next to the mailing you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the mailing.
Adding Mailings to the Sequence
Individual mailings must be added to the sequence of a sequential mailing from the Sequential Details page. Click "add to sequence" to be taken to the Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing page. Note that you will be unable to edit the mailing name, and the mailing trigger, as these will be preset to the values for your existing sequence.
Download as a File
Sequential mailings must be downloaded from the Sequential Details page. Click the disk icon to download your sequential mailings in CSV format. This will download the information seen on this page, including the sequential mailing name and the number of individual mailings in the sequence.
1. Mailings
1. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Body
2. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Header
3. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Recipients
4. Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Schedule
4. Mailings: Mailing Status
1. Mailings: Mailing Status: All Outgoing Mailings by Date
2. Mailings: Mailing Status: Currently Active Mailings
3. Mailings: Mailing Status: Completed Mailings
4. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings
1. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing
2. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing Wizard
3. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Triggered Mailings
4. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Editing Triggered Mailings
5. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Trigger Tab
6. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing
7. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing Wizard
8. Mailings: Advanced Mailings: View Sequential Mailings
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