Reports: Web site


These charts display how your mailing recipients are visiting your Web site. If you want to track visits, you'll need to create a Clickstream Tag, and put it on every page you'd like to track on your Web site.


The following groups of Web site charts are available:


Compare tracked pages

Compare the total or unique tracked pages for particular mailings or for the list as a whole.


Total web site

Charts showing total page hits for your Web site over time, or per mailing.


Track a page

Charts showing tracking information for specific pages where you have put a Clickstream Tag, by mailing or over time.


Track a mailing

Charts showing how a particular mailing or campaign has driven Web site traffic, in aggregate or over time.



1. Reports

1. Reports: Mailings

2. Reports: Members

3. Reports: Server Performance

4. Reports: Web site

5. Reports: Purchases

6. Reports: Interest

7. Reports: Surveys

8. Reports: Custom Charts