You are here: Reports > All Reports > Surveys > Reports: Surveys

Reports: Surveys



Survey results can be viewed and analyzed here. In order for survey results to appear here, the survey form itself must be created, and then be taken by at least one member. To learn how to create survey forms, see Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys.


Finding Survey Results

Twenty surveys for the list are displayed. To view more, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of surveys at a time. Click Next to see the next twenty, Previous to see the last twenty.


You may change the sorting order of the surveys by clicking the up or down triangles next to Title, Description, Date Updated, and Responses. By clicking the top arrow, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). The sort categories are:


Survey Title

Displays the survey title, which is the "Internal survey name" entered when creating the survey form. Clicking the survey title takes you to the Reports: Surveys: Results page.


Survey Description

Displays the survey description, which is the "Survey name to display" entered when creating the survey form.


Date Updated

Displays the last date and time when a response was submitted for the survey.



Displays the current number of responses to the survey. Clicking on the number of responses takes you to the Reports: Surveys: Responses Table, displaying the individual responses to the survey. From here, the Reports: Surveys: Response page can be accessed by clicking the date or the view link for each response.



Viewing or Editing Existing Surveys

To view survey results, click on the survey title or click "view" next to the desired survey title. You will be taken to the Reports: Surveys: Results page, where survey results can be seen and analyzed.


Deleting Survey Responses

Click Delete next to the survey responses you'd like to remove. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the survey.


Download as a File

Click on the disk icon to download your survey responses in CSV format, which can be read by a program such as Excel.



1. Reports

1. Reports: Mailings

1. View Mailing

2. Reports: Members

3. Reports: Server Performance

4. Reports: Web site

5. Reports: Purchases

6. Reports: Interest

7. Reports: Surveys

1. Reports: Surveys: Results

2. Reports: Surveys: All Answers in Survey

3. Reports: Surveys: Answers to a Single Question

4. Reports: Surveys: Response

5. Reports: Surveys: Responses Table

8. Reports: Custom Charts