Reports: Surveys: Answers to a Single Question
Displays all the answers to one particular survey question. This is helpful to analyze trends for each question. This page is displayed by clicking "Answer detail" on the Reports: Surveys: Survey Results page.
Finding Answers
Ten answers to the question are displayed. To view more than ten at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of answers at a time. Click Next to see the next ten, Previous to see the last ten.
You may change the sorting order of the surveys by clicking the up or down triangles next to Date, Answer, and TCP/IP. By clicking the top arrow, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). The sort categories are:
Displays the date on which the answer was submitted. Clicking on the date link or "view" takes you to the Reports: Surveys: Response page, where further detail about the response and the member can be accessed.
Displays the response to the question, submitted on that date.
Displays the TCP/IP number of the respondent who answered this question.
Download as a File
Click on the disk icon to download the answers in CSV format, which can be read by a program such as Excel.
1. Reports
1. View Mailing
3. Reports: Server Performance
7. Reports: Surveys
2. Reports: Surveys: All Answers in Survey
3. Reports: Surveys: Answers to a Single Question
5. Reports: Surveys: Responses Table