Reports: Interest


These charts display information about mailing recipients who show interest in your Web site by visiting particular pages. If you want to track interest, you'll need to create an Interest Tag, and put it on every page you'd like to track on your Web site.


Interest Tracking is a feature of ListManager Pro and Enterprise, and is unavailable for standard ListManager. Contact your account representative at if you'd like to upgrade to ListManager Enterprise.


Interest reports are grouped as follows:


Number of members at Each Interest Stage

The number of members at each interest stage. Displays statistics about how members are converted into warm or hot leads, and the number of members at each interest stage based on mailing or by list.


Total Interest Points

Total interest points generated per mailing, list, or over time.


Total interest events

The number of interest events triggered, by mailing, per list and over time.


Shopping cart abandonment rate

The number and percentage of members who used shopping cart, but never purchased.


Hot leads

Members who have shown a particularly high amount of interest, but who have not yet purchased. Hot leads are divided by those who have high interest points, those who have achieved a high interest stage, or who have gone through a number of purchase events without actually purchasing.


Time to sale

The average length of time a particular list or mailing takes to get members to purchase. Also, statistics about how membership duration, or how long a member has been on your list, affects sales.


Time to interest

The average length of time a member is on your list before showing interest by visiting your Web site.


Length of sales cycle

The average length of time a member is on your list, opens a mailing, clicks on a link, or shows interest before purchasing.



1.   Reports

1.   Reports: Mailings

2.   Reports: Members

3.   Reports: Server Performance

4.   Reports: Web site

5.   Reports: Purchases

6.   Reports: Interest

7.   Reports: Surveys

8.   Reports: Custom Charts

Reports: Purchases Reports: Surveys