Content: Insert URL: Unsubscribe
Members can leave your list easily if you insert an Unsubscribe URL in your mailing. Giving members an easy way to unsubscribe cuts down on your administrative time unsubscribing people who'd like to leave your list.
Insert What (HTML Body Only)
Specify what kind of unsubscribe link you'd like to insert into your HTML body. This option is unavailable for the Text Body.
Linked Text
The link will be encoded so that members will click on the word "unsubscribe" to leave the list.
Linked Graphic
The link will be encoded so that members will click on an unsubscribe graphic to leave the list.
An unencoded unsubscribe URL will be inserted into your content. This is the only kind of unsubscribe URL that can be inserted into the text body.
Email Notification
If set to Yes, those who unsubscribe will receive an email notifying them whether or not they have unsubscribed successfully. If set to No, they will not receive this notification. You may customize the goodbye message by creating a goodbye document in Content, and then selecting it in Utilities: Document Associations.
From All Lists
If set to Yes (the default), clicking on the unsubscribe URL will unsubscribe the member from all lists on the server.
If set to Yes, those who unsubscribe will be taken to a web page which will ask them if they are sure that they want to unsubscribe. Otherwise, they will be unsubscribed immediately without confirmation. By default, members are not asked to confirm leaving the list.
Destination URL
The URL members will be taken to after clicking on the unsubscribe URL. If no URL is specified, they will be taken to a generic page telling them they have unsubscribed.
Append unsubscribe information to the destination URL
This option will pass information about the unsubscribing member into the destination URL, potentially to be used by a script. The options are:
e = Email address.
id = Member id and character uniquely identifying this member.
l = Lists, separated by spaces.
c = Confirm unsubscribe via email. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.
n = Send email notification of the unsubscribe. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.
u = Destination URL after unsubscribing.
w = Show page asking unsubscribers to confirm before completing unsubscribe
a = Append unsubscribe information to destination URL. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.
1. Content: Insert URL: Clickable Text
2. Content: Insert URL: Clickable Image
4. Content: Insert URL: Unsubscribe
5. Content: Insert URL: Profile
6. Content: Insert URL: Survey
7. Content: Insert URL: Referral
8. Content: Insert URL: Web Page
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