Content: Insert URL: Web Page
Insert URL allows you to insert a web page into your content (also called web fetch). The web page may be fetched when creating the content, for each mailing or for each individual recipient.
URL to Fetch
The URL to be fetched into your content. Make sure that the path for your images in the web page you are fetching is the absolute path (the complete URL), not the relative path. For example, your HTML editor might make the path for a image to be something like /img/product.jpg. These should be changed to the absolute path:
You can make the URL to Fetch unique for each member by inserting a mail merge tag. However, you must use square brackets around the merge tag (not the normal double percents).
Wrong: members_.emailaddr_%%
Right:[merge members_.emailaddr_]
Fetch Page
Specify when you'd like the web page to be fetched.
Right Now
Fetch the specified URL, and insert it into your content now. Even if the contents of the fetched page change, your content will stay the same.
Once Per Mailing
Fetch the page once at the time a mailing with this content is sent. If the page is the same for each member, this method is much faster, as ListManager needs to wait for the web page only once.
Repeatedly for Each Recipient
Fetch the page for each recipient on the list. If you are specifying a unique URL for each member (see URL to Fetch above), ListManager will need to fetch the page for each message it sends out.
This method is much slower than fetching the page once per mailing, because ListManager's speeds are limited by your web server's speeds. If you notice that your mailing speeds are faster if you select Once Per Mailing, your speeds are being limited by your web server.
1. Content: Insert URL: Clickable Text
2. Content: Insert URL: Clickable Image
4. Content: Insert URL: Unsubscribe
5. Content: Insert URL: Profile
6. Content: Insert URL: Survey
7. Content: Insert URL: Referral
8. Content: Insert URL: Web Page
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