Members: View Members: Member History: Mailings Attempted
The Mailings Attempted page provides a link between member information and the mailings attempted to be sent to a member, successfully or unsuccessfully with these members. From here, details about the outgoing mailings and sending details can be quickly accessed, providing details about each mailing associated with that member.
To reach the Mailings Attempted page
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Members, and then click View Members.
2. Click the History command for the member you want.
3. Click the View button next to Mailings Attempted.
Click on the member name or member email address to access the Members: Edit Member: Basics page, where the member information, such as their name, email address, or admin status can be edited.
Finding Mailings
The sorting options for the Member Mailings table are:
The name of the mailing.
The date and time on which the mailing was sent.
The sending status of the mailing. The possible statuses are:
Not attempted
View mailing
To view a particular mailing, click View mailing next to the mailing title. This takes you to
the Mailings:
View Outgoing Mailing: Message Body page, where details about the mailing, including the message body,
header, recipientsinformation, log,
and mail
queue can be found.
View sending details
To see the recipient sending details associated with how the mailing was sent, click View sending detailsnext to the main title. This includes basics, log, and bounce message information.
1. Members
1. Members: Mailings Attempted