You are here: Email Marketing / EmailLabs > Mailing Lists--EmailLabs > About Mailing Lists

About Mailing Lists

A mailing list contains the names and email addresses of your customers as well as specific pieces of information about them called demographics in the classic EmailLabs interface and Attributes in the Lyris HQ interface. This collection of information about a particular customer is called a member record.


On the Mailing Lists page, you can:



To go to the Mailing Lists page

1. In the side navigation bar of the Lyris HQ interface, click Email Marketing.

2. Click Launch Emaillabs.



This opens the classic EmailLabs interface in a new tab or browser (depending on your browser settings), on the Account Home page.



On the Mailing List View page, you can:



To go to the Mailing List View page

Do one of the following:





You can change your mailing list settings