Segment: View/Edit Segments


Finding a Segment

Ten segments are shown at a time. To view more than ten segments at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of segments at a time.


You may change the sorting order of the segments by clicking the up or down triangles next to Name and Description. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next ten segments, Previous to see the last ten. You may select to view All, Standard, or Triggered segments by choosing the desired one from the drop-down menu. It will default to "All".


To search this table, click icon_table_search.gif. To export this table as a CSV file, click icon_table_save.gif.


Viewing or Editing an Existing Segment

To view a segment, click on the segment's name. You will be taken to the Segments: Edit Segment page, where you can view the segment, edit it, or save and test it.


Testing an Existing Segment

Click on Test next to the segment you'd like to test. ListManager will show you the query used in the segment, and a sample of the results so you can see if the segment is selecting the members you want it to select. It is strongly recommended that segments are tested when saved, to make sure that no errors occur.


Copying a Segment

Click on Copy next to the segment you'd like to copy. ListManager will ask you the new name of the segment, its new description, and the lists it should be used for.


Deleting a Segment

Click on Delete next to the segment you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the segment.


Creating a Segment

Click create new segment to be taken to Segments: New Segment. Click create new triggered segment to be taken to Segments: New Triggered Segment.






1.   Segments

2.   Segments Main Page

1.   Segments: New Segment

2.   Segments: New/Edit Segment: Essentials

3.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Text

4.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Numeric

5.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Date

6.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Action

7.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Clickthrough

8.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Clickstream

9.   Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Purchase

10.  Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Interest

11.  Segments: New/Edit Segment: Advanced

12.  Segments: New/Edit Segment: Boundaries

3.   Segments: New Triggered Segment

1.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Date

2.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Action

3.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Clickthrough

4.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Clickstream

5.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Purchase

6.   Segments: New Triggered Segment: Insert Trigger: Interest

4.   Joining to Another Table

5.   SQL Guidelines (for advanced users)

Segments Segments: New Segment