Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Action
One or more clauses define the terms for creation of the segment. Each clause is true or false for a member, and can be connected to other clauses by using the AND, OR, NOT, or parentheses.
If list member
Select an action performed by the member from the drop-down menu.
This mailing
Select the desired mailing to which this action applies.
Before this date (optional)
Enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or click the calendar to select a date. Note that if you do not enter a time it will default to YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00, so implicitly, a time of midnight at the start of the entered date is included. This field can be used alone or in conjunction with the "in the previous X days (optional) field". This is an optional field, because an action clause can be created by just selecting an action and an associated mailing.
in the previous X days (optional)
Enter the number of days prior allowed for the action selected above. Note that this field can be used alone or in conjunction with the "before date (optional)" field. This is an optional field, because an action clause can be created by just selecting an action and an associated mailing.
Creating a clause that says "If list member opened this mailing 2003-08-25Newsletter before this date 2003-08-31 in the previous X days 10", will create a segment for all members who opened the August 25th newsletter mailing before August 31st, 2003 and for the 10 days prior, so the segment would be for all members who opened this mailing between August 21st and August 31st. This can be paired with one or more clauses by using AND, OR, NOT, or the parentheses.
1. Segments
1. Segments: New/Edit Segment: Essentials
1. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Text
2. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Numeric
3. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Date
4. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Action
5. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Clickthrough
6. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Clickstream
7. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Purchase
8. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Interest
9. Segments: New Segment: Insert Clause: Survey
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