Utilities: Administration: Sites
Sites are groupings of lists that share certain characteristics, such as domain name and IP address. They can be used to organize and administer the lists in your ListManager server.
Sites and Internet Host Name
A site is characterized by its Internet host name. You can have multiple sites on your server, and each one can have its own host name. All lists under that site use that host name after the @ sign when sending mail.
If you have multiple divisions in your organization, or if you are hosting other people's lists, each group of lists can use a separate domain with its own "brand". For example, if you were a publisher with many different imprints, each one could have its own domain—brand1.example.com, brand2.example.com, etc. The messages being sent from these different sites would appear to be completely independent of one another.
The Internet host name assigned to a site determines whether email and web traffic will reach ListManager successfully. If you are unable to access ListManager via email, or if web forms or clickthroughs do not work properly, check that DNS has been set up correctly for your host name(s).
Note that each site should use its own IP address(es) on the machine(s) running ListManager, so it may have its own SMTP and NNTP banners. If you are clustering ListManager, each site should have its own IP address on each node. Each site should then be configured on each node to use the IP address(es) assigned to it.
If multiple sites are using the same IP address, you should configure the sites to use the same banners so the banner specific to one site is not used for another.
Sites and Administration
Sites can also make adminisration easier. A site administrator may administer all lists in a particular site, and may create new lists for that site. Making site administrators is often easier than making individuals list administrators of many separate lists.
If you do not have access to the Sites area, it may be that you do not have permissions to do so. Contact your server admin to be made a site administrator.
The number of sites you are permitted to have is determined by your license. Contact your account representative at sales@lyris.com if you'd like to have more sites.
Finding a Site
Ten sites are shown at a time. To view more than ten sites at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of sites at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the sites by clicking the up or down triangles next to Name or Description. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next ten sites, Previous to see the last ten.
Viewing or Editing a Site
To view a site, click on the name next to the site you'd like to view. You will be taken to the Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Sites page, where you can view or edit the site.
Copying a Site
Click Copy next to the site you'd like to copy. ListManager will show you the old name and description for the site, and ask you for a new name and description. Once you have saved the site, you may edit it by clicking on the name.
Deleting a Site
Click Delete next to the site you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the site. Note that you cannot delete a site if you are logged into a list on that site. Log in to a different list to delete the site you're currently logged into.
Creating a Site
Download as a File
Click on the disk icon to download your list of sites in CSV format.
1. Utilities: Administration: Sites - Overview
1. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Essentials
2. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Message Wrapping
3. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: SMTP
4. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: NNTP
5. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Information
6. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Email Scripting
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