Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: SMTP
Incoming SMTP IP addresses
Specifies the incoming IP address(es) to be used for this site. When ListManager receives mail, it displays a banner identifying the server. You may want incoming mail for this site to see the site's host name for the banner. When mail servers connect to the IP address(es) specified here, ListManager will display the site's hostname in the banner. Which IP address a mail server uses to connect to your ListManager server depends on the DNS entry for the hostname.
The IP addresses displayed for these options are determined by a server configuration setting in: Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine/Node Settings: IP Addresses: Machine IP Addresses.
We recommend that each site use its own incoming IP address. If you have multiple sites using the same incoming IP address, they should all use the same host name. Otherwise, the wrong SMTP banner may be used for mail being received by ListManager for the IP address, as it does not know which site the incoming mail is intended for at that stage of the SMTP transaction.
Note that if no site is configured in ListManager, ListManager will listen to ALL IP addresses on port 25.
Incoming SMTP banner
Specifies the banner for incoming SMTP connections. By default, the banner displayed will show the host name:
220 yoursitehostname.example.com ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready
Any text specified here will replace the host name in the incoming SMTP banner. Note: If you have the rebrandable version of ListManager, your name will replace "Lyris ListManager" in the banner.
We recommend that each site use its own incoming IP address. If you have multiple sites using the same incoming IP address, you may wish to specify a "generic" incoming SMTP banner so the host name for another site is not used. Otherwise, the SMTP banner may show the host name for a different site, as ListManager does not know which site the incoming mail is intended for at that stage of the SMTP transaction.
Outgoing SMTP IP address
Specifies the IP address ListManager will use when making outbound SMTP connections for mail from this site. When connected to another mail server, this IP address will be displayed, and the HELO text will be the host name for this site.
The IP addresses displayed for these options are determined by a server configuration setting in: Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine/Node Settings: IP Addresses: Machine IP Addresses.
For both incoming and outgoing connections, If "Any IP Address" is displayed, it will use any available IP address for SMTP connections. Choosing this option sets it to, and the operating system then chooses which address to bind to.
This setting is useful when you want to have ListManager send mail out on a particular IP address for this site, or when multiple network cards require that a particular IP address be used for outbound mail.
1. Utilities: Administration: Sites - Overview
1. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Essentials
2. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Message Wrapping
3. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: SMTP
4. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: NNTP
5. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Information
6. Utilities: Administration: Sites: New Site: Email Scripting
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