Reports: Mailing Reports: Mailings in Queue Statistics Table
This table tells you the progress of the mailings in your queue, and how successful they have been. The mailings here are for all lists, not just the current list. This is a subset of the data in the Delivery Statistics table, but displays data only for mailings in a queue; that is, those that are currently running and have recipients who have not been delivered to yet.
For a complete listing of all reports, see the Map on the Reports page in the ListManager web interface.
Finding a Mailing
Ten mailings for the list are displayed at a time. To view more than ten mailings at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of mailings at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to Mailing Name, Total, Attempted %, Completed %, Success %, and Created date. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next ten mailings, Previous to see the last ten.
The sort options are:
Mailing Name
The name you have given this mailing. If you click the mailing name link, you will be taken to the Reports: Mailings: View Mailing: Message Body page, where the actual mailing text will be displayed.
The total number of recipients that ListManager is trying to send to. To view details about the mailing recipients, click the number to go to the Reports: Mailings: View Mailing: Recipients page.
Attempted %
The percentage of recipients attempted at least once, as the mailing is running. Click the number to see the "Attempted and completed count" chart for that mailing.
Completed %
The percentage of recipients for which the mailing attempt(s) are considered completed. This includes successful and failed deliveries, expired mailings, mailmerge skips, and mailmerge aborts. Click the number to see the "Attempted and completed count" chart for that mailing.
The percentage of the total recipients that ListManager has successfully delivered to. Click the number to see the "Success and failure %" chart.
The date the mailing was created. Click the date next to a mailing in the Created column to see the "Mailings count over time" chart.
Viewing a Mailing
To view a mailing, click on the mailing name. You will be taken to the Reports: Mailings: View Mailing: Message Body page, where you can view the mailing, the recipients, the log and where it is in the queue.
Seeing the Recipients
To see information about the total recipients, who has been successfully sent to, and information about opens, clickthroughs and clickstreams, click on the number next to a mailing in the Total column. You will be taken to the Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing: Recipients page.
Download as a File
Click on the disk icon to download your delivery statistics in CSV format. This file can be opened and read using Excel and other programs.
1. Reports
1. Reports: Mailing Reports: Mailings in Queue Statistics Table
2. Reports: Mailing Reports: Delivery Statistics
3. Reports: Mailing Reports: Mailing Statistics Table
4. Reports: Mailing Reports: Tracking Statistics
5. Reports: Mailing Reports: Referral Statistics
6. View Mailing
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