Reports: Mailings: View Mailing: Recipients
Total Recipients
The total number of recipients being sent to. The view recipient details button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, which displays details about the recipients for this mailing. All recipients will be visible, but a filter can be applied by selecting the desired view from the drop-down menu.
From here, the recipients' username, domain, status, send-try count, and next attempt date can be seen. In addition, further detail about the member can be accessed by clicking History, which takes you to the Members: History page.
Successfully Sent
The number of recipients successfully sent and delivered to. The View Successful button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Success filter on, so only successful recipients will be immediately visible.
Active Recipients
The number of recipients which are currently intended to be sent to. These can be thought of as recipients who are being sent to at the moment, or in queue to be sent to in this mailing. The view active button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Active filter on, so only active recipients will be immediately visible.
Mailing Paused
Will only be displayed if an administrator manually paused the mailing. Displays the number of recipients affected by this, including those that have not been attempted (0 attempts), or in retry (more than one attempt with a transient failure). For more information on pausing mailings, see Mailings: View Outgoing Mailing: Mail Queue.
The View Paused button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Paused filter on, so only paused recipients will be immediately visible.
Mailmerge Abort
Will only be displayed if there is a scripting error in TclMerge and the "errormode" function is set to "abort" or "notify". If this is the case, a Tcl error will cause the mailing to abort. Alternatively, if the Tcl Merge "abort" command is used, a recipient in this status will be created. The error mode function is used as follows:
errormode abort
errormode notify
The view aborted button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Aborted filter on, so only aborted recipients will be immediately visible.
Mailmerge Skip
Displays the number of recipients skipped by mailmerge. Recipients are skipped by using the skip mail merge command. This is based on user-specified criteria. The view skipped button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Skipped filter on, so only skipped recipients will be immediately visible.
Not Attempted
The number of recipients which have not been attempted for delivery yet. The view not attempted button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Not attempted filter on, so only non-attempted (new) recipients will be immediately visible.
(n) Attempt(s)
The number of recipients which have been attempted (n) times. There may be more than one line for this as attempts are made. For instance, you may have 100 recipients attempted 1 time, 56 attempted 2 times, etc. This will go up to the number of attempts specified for the mailing. To see a current status, click the refresh button on the browser page.
The view retry button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Retry filter on, so only recipients in retry mode will be immediately visible.
Permanent Failures
The number of recipients who did not receive the message due to a permanent failure. This is an undeliverable message which is probably due to a permanent problem with the address. Examples of permanent failures:
addresses with malformed domains (janedoe@aol.cmo, for example),
receiving mail server returns an error message 500 or above in the SMTP transaction (user does not exist,
for example).
These recipients had an attempt result with a permanent failure and will not be attempted again after this mailing. The view permanent failures button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Permanent Failures filter on, so only permanently failed recipients will be immediately visible. To display details about the rejection messages associated with the permanent failures, click the view all rejection messages button to go to the Mailings: Mailing Status: Rejection Messages page.
Transient Failures
The number of recipients who did not receive the message due to a transient failure. This is an undeliverable message which may or may not be due to a permanent problem. Examples of transient failures:
receiving mail server disconnects while sending the message
receiving mail server returns an error message below 500 in the SMTP transaction (mailbox full, for example).
These recipients were attempted a maximum of times (the number of retry times set for the mailing), and each attempt resulted in a transient failure. Theoretically this delivery could become successful in the future, however the chosen retry policy has caused ListManager to "abandon" delivery to this recipient for this mailing.
The view transient failures button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Transient Failures filter on, so only temporarily failed recipients will be immediately visible. To display details about the rejection messages associated with the transient failures, click the view all rejection messages button to go to the Mailings: Mailing Status: Rejection Messages page.
Expired Mailings
The number of recipients who were sent to but have since had the mailing expire. When a mailing is created, a "do not attempt after" date can be set on the Mailings: New Mailing: Schedule page. Once this date passes, the mailing will not be sent again, and the recipient status is "expired". This is useful for time sensitive mailings, such as holiday promotions or coupons.
The view expired button opens the Mailings: Mailing Status: View Outgoing Mailing: Mailing Recipients page, with the Expired filter on, so only expired recipients will be immediately visible.
Tracked Opens
The total number and percentage of recipients who opened the message using an email client which can read HTML. If a recipient opened the message in two different clients, or with a client and a web browser, two opens will be registered.
In order to have statistics about opens, you must set Track Opens to Yes when creating a new mailing. See Mailings: New Mailing: Tracking.
To see all the recipients who opened your message using an HTML-capable email client, click on the number next to Tracked Opens. You will be taken to a page which will display the time the message was opened, and the email address and name of the recipient who opened it. You may download the list of those who opened the message by clicking on the disk icon. This file will be in CSV format, which may be opened and read using Excel and other programs.
Tracked Clickthroughs
The total number and percentage of trackable URLs that have been clicked. This number may be greater than the number of opens or recipients if recipients click on a trackable URL multiple times, or if there are multiple trackable URLs in your message that recipients are clicking on.
To have statistics about clickthroughs, you must insert clickable URLs when you create content.
To see all the recipients who clicked on a tracking URL, click on the number in next to Tracked Clickthroughs. You will be taken to a page which will display the email address and name of each clicker, and the time they clicked. You may download the list of those who clicked on a link by clicking on the disk icon. This file will be in CSV format, which may be opened and read using Excel and other programs.
Tracked Clickstreams
The total number of web pages that have been visited by recipients of this message. This number may be greater than the number of opens or recipients if you put your Clickstream Tags on multiple pages, or if recipients visit your page multiple times.
If a recipient receives your message in text format and goes to your Web site directly without clicking on a trackable URL, the clickstream may not be recorded (depending on the recipient's email client settings).
To see all the recipients who went to other pages on your Web site, click on the number next to Tracked Click Streams. You will be taken to a page which will display the time the web page was visited, the page visited, and the email address and name of the recipient who visited. You may download the list of those who clicked on a link by clicking on the disk icon. This file will be in CSV format, which may be opened and read using Excel and other programs.
Create Clickstream Tag
If you want to track clickstreams, you'll need to create a Clickstream Tag, and put it on every page you'd like to track on your Web site. Clicking on the create clickstream tag button takes you to Utilities: Other: Action Tags: Clickstream Tag, where you can create a click stream tag and name it for easy reference.
Displays the segment(s) that the mailing was sent to.
CSV/XML File Report
Click on the disk icon to download recipient statistics in CSV or XML format. This file can be opened and read using Excel and other programs.
Field |
Description |
Title |
The title of the mailing |
Created |
The date that the mailing was created as an outmail record for sending |
Mailing ID |
The outmail_.MessageID_ value |
Total Recipients |
The total number of recipients |
Success |
The number of successful recipients |
Pending |
The pending number of recipients |
Not Attempted |
The number of recipients not yet attempted |
Active |
The number of recipients currently receiving mailing |
Retry |
The number of recipients waiting for mailings who have already been tried but who did not receive due to a transient error |
Transient Failure |
Temporary failures due to non-permanent SMTP or DNS failures |
Permanent Failure |
Permanent failures due to permanent SMTP or DNS failures, receipt of a bounce message, invalid email address or failure to retrieve the message body from the database |
Expired |
The expiration date to send the mailing was reached before all attempts were completed |
Paused |
The recipient was not sent to because the mailing was paused by an administrator |
Mail Merge Skipped |
The recipient was not processed due to the skip command in mailmerge |
Mail Merge Abort |
The recipient was not sent to because the mailing was aborted during mail merging by the abort command |
Total Undelivered |
The total number of recipients who have been attempted but failed |
Opens |
The total number of times a message is opened |
Unique Opens |
The total number of recipients tracked opening a message |
Clickthroughs |
The total number of tracked clickthroughs for a message |
Clickstreams |
The total number of tracked clickstreams for a message |
All tracked URLs |
1. Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing
1. Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing: Message Body
2. Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing: Message Header
3. Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing: Log
4. Reports: Mailing Reports: View Mailing: Mail Queue
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