Table View Options


By default, tables in ListManager display ten lines of data at a time. Each table displays a number of icons that change how you see your data, or acts on that row in the table. If you don't understand what you see on a page, just click the icon_about.gif help icon to access context-sensitive help.



toggle.gif Toggle

Changes the sort order of a table, from a-z to z-a, for example, or from most recent to least recent. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Sort options vary depending on the table.


diskette.gif CSV Icon

Downloads the current table in CSV (comma separated values) format. CSV files may be opened and edited with many programs, such as Excel.



Shows the next page of results.



Shows more results for a table, or increases the size of the field. Repeatedly clicking this button shows increasingly more lines.



Shows fewer results for a table, or shrinks the size of the field.




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