Searching for Messages
Some forums may allow you to search their message archives. The basic search allows you to look for particular words used in a message. The advanced search allows you to specify the location of the words (in the message header, subject or body) or to exclude words.
Basic Search
1. Select a forum, either in My Forums or All Forums.
2. Select the Search tab.
3. If the forum allows searching of its archives, you will be taken to the Search page.
4. Enter the word(s) you'd like to search for. You may separate words with a space or comma.
5. Select Search. If your search is successful, the next page will show you the results.
Advanced Search
1. Select a forum, either in My Forums or All Forums.
2. Select the Search tab.
3. If the forum allows searching of its archives, you will be taken to the Search page.
4. Select Advanced Search.
5. Enter the word(s) you'd like to search for. You may separate words with a space or comma.
6. Enter the location of the words you're searching for:
Entire Message: anywhere in the message.
Body: In the message body (below the subject line).
Header: In the message header (includes information about the sender, the subject, etc.).
7. Select whether you want messages with any or all of the words you've selected.
8. (Optional) Enter the word(s) you'd like to exclude. Messages that contain these words will not be included in your search results.
9. Enter the location of these words to be excluded:
Entire Message: anywhere in the message.
Body: In the message body (below the subject line).
Header: In the message header (includes information about the sender, the subject, etc.).
10. Select Search. If your search is successful, the next page will show you the results.
Advanced Search Example
Let's say you'd like to search for all messages about trains and trucks, but you'd like to exclude your own postings.
1. Select a forum, either in My Forums or All Forums.
2. Select the Search tab.
3. Select Advanced Search.
4. Enter the words you'd like to search for:
trains trucks
5. Enter Entire Message for the location of the words you're searching for:
6. Select All to search for messages with both words (trains and trucks) in them.
7. Enter your email address as a word you'd like to exclude.
8. Select Header as the location for the word to exclude. Since your email address would appear in the header, Your search will then exclude any messages sent by you,
9. Select Search. If your search is successful, the next page will show you the results.
1. The Discussion Forum Interface for Members
2. Accessing and Logging into the Discussion Forum Interface
3. Navigating the Discussion Forum Interface
4. Viewing and Subscribing to Forums
7. Searching for Messages
9. Learning More About a Forum
10. RSS
12. Conferencing with Other Members
13. Administrator Discussion Forum Functions
14. Discussion Forum Interface FAQ
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