Navigating the Discussion Forum Interface
The Navigation Bar is at the top of every ListManager screen. It tells you whether or not you are logged in, and which forum you're logged into (if any). The tabs are available on every screen, and help you navigate the discussion forum interface.
Current Forum
The upper right hand corner of the screen shows you the forum you are logged into, if any.
You Are
The upper right hand corner of the screen shows you who you are logged in as, if at all. If you would like to log in, click on Not Logged In and provide your email address and password (if you have one). Or, click on My Account or My Forums.
Clicking on the Help icon takes you to the ListManager Manual.
You can navigate between the major areas of the ListManager discussion forum interface by clicking on one of the navigation bar tabs.
Clicking on the Messages tab allows you to see an overview of the messages for the current forum. From there, you may read messages, reply to messages, or create a new message.
Depending on a forum's settings, you may need to log in before you may view its messages.
The Search tab allows you to search the message archives for the current forum.
Whether or not a forum is searchable depends on the settings for that forum.
My Account
The My Account page allows you to change your members settings. On the Essentials tab, you may change your email address, name or type. On the Advanced tab, you may also change your password, specify whether or not you want to receive copies of your own postings, and whether or not the changes you make should take affect for all lists on the server.
If you are not logged in, clicking on My Account will prompt you to do so.
My Forums
The My Forums page shows you which forums you have subscribed to. You may unsubscribe from lists on this page.
If you have not logged in, clicking on My Forums will prompt you to do so.
All Forums
The All Forums page shows you all forums on the server. If there are multiple sites on a server, All Forums will only show you the lists for the sites in which you are a member. If you are not logged in, it will show you all the forums for the site you logged into, or for the default site if you did not specify a particular forum when you accessed the discussion forum interface.
1. The Discussion Forum Interface for Members
2. Accessing and Logging into the Discussion Forum Interface
3. Navigating the Discussion Forum Interface
4. Viewing and Subscribing to Forums
9. Learning More About a Forum
10. RSS
12. Conferencing with Other Members
13. Administrator Discussion Forum Functions
14. Discussion Forum Interface FAQ
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