New/Edit Segment


The Segments: New Segment page allows you to make a segment of your list, based on the criteria you define. The Segments: Edit Segment page is exactly like the New Segments page.


Segments are portions, or fragments of lists, whose members are based on some characteristic or criteria that each member must meet in order for that member to be included in the segment. The clauses describing each member must be true in order for that member to be included in a segment. A segment is created by picking one or more clauses, each of which is a statement that is true or false for a member, and connecting them together with AND's, OR's, and parentheses, to make one composite statement that is true if the member belongs in the segment. For more information on segment clauses, see Segments: New/Edit Segment/Essentials.


There are three tabs for creating a segment:


Segments: New Segment: Essentials

The basics required to create a new segment. This page allows you to easily make a segment based on information in your members table. You can also type in an SQL query directly if you have the proper permissions. To see more information on inserting various types of clauses, see text, numeric, date, action, clickthrough, clickstream, purchase, and interest.


Segments: New Segment: Advanced

This page allows you to join to other tables, change the sort order, and select which columns are displayed when testing. This page is only available if your administrator has given you the proper permissions.


Segments: New Segment: Boundaries

Normally, a segment is limited to normal members of the list you're logged into. You can change the boundaries of the segment to include all lists on your server, or to all members regardless of their membership status. Sending to a segment with these boundaries turned off could anger recipients if not done properly, so be sure you understand what they do before changing these settings.

Creating a Segment

This example shows how to make a segment of all recipients who work in education—they have .edu as their top level domain.


1. Select the Segments tab.


2. Click create new segment.


3. Enter EDU for the segment's Name.


4. Enter Education Addresses for the segment's Description.


5. Select Domain_ for Select Text Field.


6. Select Ends With next to Domain_.


7. Enter .edu next to Ends With.


8. Click on Add next to .edu. The following will appear in the Query box:


Domain_ LIKE ''


9. Click save and test. You will be taken to the Segments: Test Segment page, where you can see the query generated and a sample of the addresses pulled.




1. Segments

2. Segments Main Page

1. Segments: New/Edit Segment: Essentials

2. Segments: New/Edit Segment: Advanced

3. Segments: New/Edit Segment: Boundaries




Segments Main Page Segments: New/Edit Segment: Essentials