Content: New/Edit Content: Essentials
The fields on the Essentials page are required for all content you create. Generally, any message you send will also have a text and/or html message as well. For a step-by-step guide to making content, see Content: New Content.
Select a name to identify your content. This name is not seen by message recipients, so label the content in a way that will help you to identify it later in the Content main page.
Describe your content. This description is not seen by message recipients, so describe the content in a way that will help you to identify it later in the Content main page.
The name and email address that should appear in the message's From: line. By default, your email address will appear in this field.
Examples of valid values for this field:
Bob Smith <> (Bob Smith)
"Bob Smith" <>
To customize the message, select Insert Field to insert a mail merge field or an autoresponder address.
The name and email address that should appear in the message's To: line. By default, the mail merge tag %%nameemail%% appears in this field, which will merge in each recipient's name and email address. If you'd like to have a name and email address, put the name in quotation marks, and the email address in angle brackets. Example:
"Jazz List" <>
To customize the message, select Insert Field to insert a mail merge field. By doing so
The To: field does not actually select the message's recipients. When building your mailing, you'll specify the segment or lists you'd like to send the message to.
The text which will appear in the message's Subject: line. To customize the subject line for individual recipients, select Insert Field to insert a mail merge field.
Saves your content, and takes you back to the Content main page
Save and Test
Saves your content, and takes you to the Content: Test Content page, where you can see what your content will look like.
1. Content
3. New Content
1. Content: New Content: Essentials
2. Content: New Content: Text Message
3. Content: New Content: HTML Message
4. Content: New Content: Advanced
1. Content: New Content: Internationalization
9. Content: New Content From Template
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