The Mailings: Approval menu is divided into three subsections designed to view and approve mailings:
Need Approval
Approval Wizard
Approval Summary
Need Approval
The Mailings: Approval: Need Approval page shows you all mailings which are pending your approval to be sent.
Finding a Mailing
Twenty mailings for the list are displayed in Mailings: Need Approval. To view more, click
You may change the sorting order of the mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to ID, Title,
or Subject. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom
arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click
To search this table, click .
To export this table as a CSV file, click
Viewing or Editing a Mailing
To view a mailing, click the mailing ID. You will be taken to the Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing screen, where you can view the mailing, edit it, or save and test it.
Sending a Mailing
Not available for transactional messages.
To send a mailing, click
If you have multiple mailings with the same name and title, you will also have the option to send all of these mailings to be sent at the same time. Multiple mailings like this are created when you send a single message to multiple subsets or lists.
Activating a Transactional Message
Available only for transactional messages.
To approve a transactional message, click Activate next to the message. Approving a transactional message makes it available for sending. Transactional messages can be sent using the TMSendMessage API.
Sending All Mailings
To send all normal mailings, click Send All.
Note that this action does not apply to transactional messages. You need to activate each transactional message individually to make it available for sending.
Testing a Mailing
Not available for transactional messages.
To schedule a mailing to be sent at a future time, click Schedule on any of the parts of the spit test mailing. To schedule the date and time the message should be sent out, enter the date and time in the schedule for box or calendar drop-down menu.
Important In the case of scheduling, a split test for a specified date, the first part will be sent on the scheduled date that you specify, while the following parts will be sent out at midnight of the day it was scheduled.
For example:
If today is Feb. 18, 2014 and you schedule a Split Test for February 20, 2014, the first part of the mailing will go out on Feb. 20, 2014 and the following parts will go out at midnight on February 18th.
Rescheduling Split Tests
To schedule the other parts of a split test to go out at the same time, select the mailing to be rescheduled by selecting Schedule. By default, the first part is going out at midnight of the scheduled date. You need to reschedule the other parts of the mailing to go out at the same time as the first one.
If you decided to click on wait for approval from the schedule mailing, than all the split test parts will be back in need of approval.
Each part of a split test is displayed as a separate item. You can reschedule each part to go out at a different time. When you reschedule a part of the split test, the following rule applies:
Changes to the scheduled date for one part apply only to that part. For example: when creating the split test, you selected schedule for and specified February 1 as the send date. You then reschedule part two for February 4. As a result, part one will be sent on February 1, and part two will be sent on February 4.
For more information about split tests, see Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Split Test Mailing Wizard.
Copying a Mailing
Click Copy next to the mailing you'd like to copy. ListManager will show you the old title, and will ask you the new title you'd like. You might want to copy a mailing if you'd like to send it again at a future date.
Deleting a Mailing
Click Delete next to the mailing you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the mailing.
To send the sender a message why the mailing was rejected, select the mailing and click Delete with Feedback. You will be taken to the Delete with Feedback page, which allows you to tailor your response to each rejected mailing sender.
If you have multiple mailings with the same name and title, you will also have the option to delete all of these mailings at the same time. Multiple mailings like this are created when you send a single message to multiple subsets or lists.
Creating a Mailing
Approval Wizard
Approve or reject mailings quickly by using the Mailings: Approval: Approval Wizard (available from the Mailings: Approval menu page).
If you are approving (moderating) a discussion list (where members submit mailings to the list), the Approval Wizard helps you work quickly as you approve and delete mailings in the order in which they were submitted. You also have the option of deleting mailings with feedback so contributes know why their mailing was rejected.
If you are sending messages with international character sets, they cannot be approved using the Approval Wizard; they can only be approved from the Homepage. See Mailings: Need Approval: Edit Mailing: Message Body for details on this.
If you have several lists, the Approval Wizard also gives you an overview of your other lists to approve once you have completed approving messages for the list you're logged into.
Approval Summary
The Approval Summary shows you all the lists you have messages pending approval. You may click Overview to change lists and see the messages pending approval for that particular list. Or, click Approval Wizard next to the list to be taken directly to the Approval wizard for that list. The Approval Summary page may be book marked for easy reference.