You can quickly and easily personalize messages for every recipient by inserting information, such as the recipient's name, into your content.
You can also insert frequently used email addresses, such as the unsubscribe email address and email addresses for autoresponders. In addition, you can add information about unsubscribing from your list.
Inserting Recipient Fields into HTML Content
You can use the toolbar button in the HTML Editor to quickly insert most commonly used merge tags listed below:
Member Additional Field
Any additional information you have defined for the recipient.
Member Comment
Any comments that exist for the recipient.
Member E-mail Address
The recipient's email address.
Member Full Name
The recipient's full name.
Member List Name
The names of all lists the recipient is a member of on this ListManager server.
Member ID
The ID that ListManager assigned to the recipient.
Member User ID
Any other ID that you assigned to the recipient.
To insert a merge tag using the toolbar button
1. Click where you want to place the merge tag.
2. In the Merge Tag drop down list, select the field you want to insert.
The message you were composing opens and the merge tag is added to your message.
You can insert additional mail merge fields using the Mail Merge Fields tab on the Insert Field page.To open the Mail Merge Fields tab, click the
button. For information about the fields available on this tab, see Content: Insert Field: Mail merge fields.
TIP: For more information about recipient names, see About Recipient Names.
Including the Recipient's Name in Text Content
1. In the HTML Editor, select the Text Message tab.
2. In the message body, click where you want the name to appear.
3. Click the .
The Insert Field page opens.
4. Click in the Recipient Fields field and select Recipient's First Name from the drop down list.
5. Click Insert.
The message you were composing opens and the merge tag is added to your message.
TIP: For more information about recipient names, see About Recipient Names.
About Recipient Names
By default, if a name is not specified for the recipient, their email address will be merged in instead of the name. For example, if did not provide a name when signing up, she will see:
Alternately, you can specify the text to insert if a name for the recipient does not exist. To do so, insert a space followed by the alternate text into the merge text. For example, to insert Member into the firstname tag:
Dear %%firstname Member%%,
In this case, recipients without a specified first name will see:
Dear Member,
Including Additional Recipient Information
Depending on which recipient fields your administrator defined, you might be able to merge additional recipient data into your content. This additional data is available on the Database Fields tab of the Insert Fields page. To insert additional data:
1. In the HTML Editor, select the Text Message or HTML Message tab.
2. In the message body, click where you want the field to appear.
3. Click .
The Insert Field page opens.
4. Select the Database Fields tab.
5. In the drop down list, select the field want to insert.
The available lists depend on the types of fields your administrator defined.
6. Click .
The merge tag is inserted into your message.
Addressing Messages to Individual Recipients
You can address the message to each individual recipient by inserting the recipient's email filed into the To: field. To do this:
1. In the HTML Editor, select the Essentials tab.
2. Click next to the To: field.
The Insert Field page opens.
3. In the Email addresses drop down list, select Recipient's email address.
4. Click .
The merge tag is inserted into the To: field.
Inserting an Autoresponder Address
An autoresponder is a ListManager address which automatically replies with a message. For example, you can include an autoresponder in the From: line of your message that sends unsubscribe instructions to anyone who replies to your message.
To insert an autoresponder into the From: field
1. In the HTML Editor, select the Essentials tab .
2. Click next to the From: box.
3. Select the Autoresponders tab.
The Autoresponders tab opens.
4. In the Autoresponders: drop down list, select the autoresponder address you want.
TIP: To create an autoresponder, click . For more information about autoresponders, see Utilities: Automated Messages: Autoresponders.
5. Click .
The autoresponder address is added to the From: field.
To insert an autoresponder into the message body
1. In the HTML Editor, select the Html Message or Text Message tab .
2. Click where you want the autoresponder address to appear.
3. Click .
4. Select the Autoresponders tab.
The Autoresponders tab opens.
5. In the Autoresponders: drop down list, select the autoresponder address you want.
TIP: To create an autoresponder, click . For more information about autoresponders, see Utilities: Automated Messages: Autoresponders.
6. Click .
The autoresponder address is added to your message.
More Information About Personalizing Messages
Inserting a field or a condition is the easiest way to personalize your message.For more information about message personalization and scripting, see Message Personalization and Scripting.